Joy! The Finer Things I kin Drwl They will win in the end... Are you Grabbing my Di*K?


2-6 Players

30-60 Minutes

Ages 12+



Welcome to the fastest growing suburb in the country. You and your opponents are cast as irresponsible real-estate developers charged with the task of building houses, shops and factories in order to make quick money.

New Jack City is a city-building dominoes game with light worker placement elements. Players place domino-shaped cards that contain residential, commercial, or industrial properties. Players must place cards by matching the roads and construct them using workers known as builders. Constructing large properties offers bonuses which allow you to outpace the other players.




A turn consists of three phases. First, play a Property card. Next, move a Builder. And last, draw a Property Card.

1. Play a Property Card

A single Property card may contain one or two Properties. A Property refers to one colored zone on a property card and is indicated with a circled number, this number is the Property Value. The Property Value represents the worth of the buildings in the Property.

Playing Property cards allows players to expand the size and value of a Zone that they have claimed with Builders. A Zone is an area of the same colored Properties that are uninterrupted by roads. A player only needs one Builder to claim multiple Properties that are in the same Zone. Adding Property cards to a Zone that they have claimed with a Builder is how they may increase value.

Roads block the expansion of Zones.

3. Move a Builder

To claim a Property a player must place a Builder on a Property. To do this, take an available Builder and place it on a property.

A player may return one of their Builders from any Property during this phase. However, if the total of the Property Value of all the Properties in the Zone is greater than five, the Zone may be scored. The three colors of Properties have different effects when scored.

Green (Residential) Properties -

If you score 5-6 points of Property Value, draw one card.

If you score 7-8 points of Property Value, draw two cards.

If you score 9 or more points of Property Value, draw three cards.

Blue (Commercial) Properties -

If you score 5-6 points of Property Value, take one Commercial Bonus Token.

If you score 7-8 points of Property Value, take two Commercial Bonus Tokens.

If you score 9 or more points of Property Value, take three Commercial Bonus Tokens.

Red (Industrial) Properties -

If you score 5-6 points of Property Value, take one Industrial(Red) Bonus Token.

If you score 7-8 points of Property Value, take two Industrial(Red) Bonus Tokens.

If you score 9 or more points of Property Value, take three Industrial(Red) Bonus Tokens.

3. Draw a Property Card

After you have played a Property Card and moved a Builder, draw a card to complete your turn.

Ending the Game

The game ends when players have reached certain cash victory totals or have exhausted the Property deck. The victory threshold changes depending on the number of players.

$30 - Two player game

$25 - Three player game

$20 - Four or more players

If the victory total is reached, one more round is played, ending with the player who reached the total first.

The full rules may be found [HERE]


New Jack City is currently seeking publication. If you have any interest, feel free to peruse or print the buy sheet below.


Copyright 2001-2017 Brian Churchman